
Hey there, I’m Myopic Concaves, and whether you’re a newcomer or a familiar face, I’m thrilled to have you here. You, yes you, have been the driving force behind this personal journey of mine.

A whole decade ago, a friend and I were chatting about our shared love for movies, and he dropped a gem: “You should review movies.” So I did. I started this blog, poured my heart into it, and it became a place where I could share my cinematic adventures and musings.

I took a little hiatus at one point, but guess what? I couldn’t stay away for long. The love for storytelling, the thrill of discussing movies, and my ever-present desire to help people led me right back here.

Now, about those gift ideas – they sprang to life because my friends kept turning to me for present-picking wisdom. So, I thought, “Why not make it a thing?” I began curating gift ideas, sprinkling in some affiliate links to support the blog if you choose to indulge in these awesome finds.

Movies, they’ve always been my passion because they’re the gateway to different worlds and untold tales. And talking about them? Well, that’s pure joy. Helping others out, whether through movie recommendations or gift ideas, is my jam. It’s what makes this blog uniquely mine.

So, as you explore this corner of the internet, I hope you find the same joy, inspiration, and excitement that I pour into it. Let’s dive into the cinematic wonders, discover the perfect gifts together, and make this journey not just about stories on a screen, but about the shared experience and camaraderie.

Thank you for being a part of this adventure. Buckle up; there’s a whole lot of magic ahead!

Myopic Concaves

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2 responses to “About”

  1. Maxwell Junior Avatar
    Maxwell Junior

    Hello kay,
    It seem your email don’t work properly.
    I have tried severally to send you mail to it keep bouncing back.


    1. Myopic Concaves Avatar

      Sorry, my mistake. The correct email address is myopicconcaves@yahoo.co.uk
