nigerian movie recap: LOVE HEALS

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It is a movie on Maurice Sam’s channel and it stars:


Chioma Nwaoha as Bella

Maurice Sam as James

Obi Titus as Mrs Beatrice, Bella’s mother

Kiki Ifeanyi as Sandra, Bella’s maid

Dj izybeatz as Francis, James’s best friend and former roommate.

Audio Version of this Recap

LOVE HEALS: when poverty chooses to be a bastard Myopic Concaves

If you were paid a million naira a month to marry a mad girl, would you? Well, that is the plot of this movie. — Send in a voice message:

Bella’s Mental Illness and Mrs. Beatrice’s Plan

Bella is, for lack of a nicer word, mad.

Her mother, Mrs. Beatrice, has been struggling to find a cure for Bella’s mental illness but has been unsuccessful.

So Mrs. Beatrice comes up with the most ridiculous idea I have ever heard anyone come up with. She says she wants her daughter to get married and give her grandchildren because she doesn’t want her lineage to end.

While inspecting her site, Mrs. Beatrice sees James working as a labourer and is quite impressed with his looks. Mrs. Beatrice requests to speak to him privately. They sit in her car, and she tells James that she wants him to marry her daughter.

All he has to do is treat her daughter right and give her grandkids, and he would be paid handsomely for it—1 million naira per month. James hears this and is so excited. He agrees to it without thinking and goes home to inform Francis.

When Francis hears of Mrs. Beatrice’s offer to James, he is skeptical and thinks there has to be a catch, but James doesn’t care because he is being offered 1,000,000 naira every month to marry a rich woman’s daughter.

The next day, James hurries over to Mrs. Beatrice’s home, and there he signs the contract without reading it despite her urging that he does. He is desperate and feels he can handle whatever it is.

After signing, Mrs. Beatrice gives him 500,000 naira to buy himself a wedding suit, which he does. He buys a suit for himself and his best man, Francis.

Wedding Day

On the wedding day, James encounters Bella for the first time. After mistaking Francis for him, she proceeds to choke him, almost making James reconsider the deal.

Later that evening, on their wedding night to be precise, James tries to sleep on the same bed with Bella, but she chases him out of the bedroom. He goes downstairs to think about his life and there he has a conversation with the maid, Sandra.

Sandra advises him to fall in love with Bella as it is the only way he would be able to tolerate her, but James scoffs at her advice. That night, James sleeps in the bathroom out of fear of what Bella might do.

James’ Attempt at Intimacy With Bella

After the botched wedding night, James spends the whole day with Francis. However, when he returns home, he gets a stern “talking to” from Mrs. Beatrice.

She reminds him that he has been paid for his services and he signed a contract. He has to get to work so that she can have her grandchild.

That night, James tries to sleep with Bella, but she hits his head with a stool, which lands him in the hospital.

While in the hospital, he demands to know why Bella is the way she is, but Mrs. Beatrice refuses. However, after he is discharged and threatens to breach the contract, Mrs. Beatrice finally explains why Bella is insane.

Bella was raped and tortured by their former gateman. After that traumatic experience, she hasn’t been the same ever since.

James Forms a Friendship with Bella

Armed with the knowledge that Bella is suffering from trauma brought upon by aggravated sexual assault, James decides to gain her trust first. He does it by being friends with Bella.

All they do is play and watch movies. He gives her food to eat and her drugs, and Bella feels more at ease with him.

So one night, while watching a movie, there is a scene where the couple in the movie are getting it on and Bella initiates physical touch.

They both start kissing and are about to have sex, but that doesn’t happen because James, in trying to readjust Bella for better access, slams her head on the side stool.

Bella passes out, and James believes he has killed her, so he locks himself up in the bathroom.

Bella’s Recovery and Happy Ending

Bella wakes up the next morning acting normal. She recognizes her mother and Sandra and even asks for breakfast.

James comes out of the bathroom ready to face his fate but doesn’t find Bella’s supposed corpse on the bed. So he goes downstairs and surprisingly finds a very happy Mrs. Beatrice who is grateful to him for saving her daughter.

Mrs. Beatrice introduces Bella to James as her husband, and Bella is impressed, calling him “hottie.”

In the end, James and Bella say they love each other with the film ending with them about to bang.

My Thoughts

This movie was so long. Oh my God!

2 hours, 6 minutes, and 21 seconds was too much. It didn’t need to be that long.

However, I will say that the movie was funny in some aspects. Whenever Francis and James interacted, I laughed my lungs out.

Francis was such a goofball.

How Bella became normal was very fantastical. It was weird, but it is this story world’s rules, so I gotta respect their creative decision.

Did I really enjoy the film? Not completely. The length made it a chore while watching.

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