Maxton Hall S1E4: Secret Kiss in the Dark

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maxton hall episode 4 mortimer beaufort is such a bad guy_myopic concaves

If you have a show or a movie suggestion put it in the comments section and I will talk about it when I have the time.

I almost watched Interview With the Vampire Season 1 but then I remembered I hadn’t finished Maxton Hall and so here we are.

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To read my other Maxton Hall reactions click here.

Now we have gotten that out of the way, let’s begin:


Table of contents

  1. Maxton Hall Episode 4: The Moment of Truth
    1. Papa Beaufort Being a Prick
    2. Beaufort Siblings Love Affairs
    3. Daddy Beaufort being a Prick (Part Deux)
  2. My Thoughts on Maxton Hall Episode 4

Maxton Hall Episode 4: The Moment of Truth

Ruby just woke up, and she is taking her shirt off.

Are these two about to fuck in the car with Percy in it while parked in front of her parent’s house?

Oh, it was only a dream. Ruby had a sex dream about James.

A lot of texting going on between James and Ruby.

We go love oh

Aww, he waited for her to arrive so they could walk to class together.

Papa Beaufort Being a Prick

Lyd is doing yoga and Elaine is blowing up her phone, trying to know if James is with “that welfare case”

I don’t know how many times I’m going to have to say this but, Stand Up Elaine.

Daddy Beaufort offers Lyd a cinnamon roll in exchange for information about the extent of James and Ruby’s relationship.

God, I hate this dickhead.

So it wasn’t Lyd’s relationship with Mr Sutton that ruined her chances of helming the Young Beaufort brand. It was some other dude who was blackmailing Lydia with her nude photos.

Lyd sucks at picking good men.

Lydia is advising James to be more careful with the Ruby situation: but the bellend replies with “Everything will be fine. Ruby is not my teacher.”


Beaufort Siblings Love Affairs

Lin likes a good gossip and romance. She was hoping that James and Ruby had already kissed.

Kieran is trying to flirt with Ruby but James is marking his territory.

I am not a fan of this dick-measuring contest between Kieran and James. They need to dead it ASAP.

Mr Sutton is flirting with Ms Pippa Winfield in front of Lydia’s salad and she is furious.

Wait! Hold on! Pippa and Sutton used to date?!

This man.
Why is he fucking all the women at his place of work?
Why does he love to shit where he eats?

Mr Sutton just called Lyd the “love of his life”

This child (Lyd) wants to elope.

Why are they having this conversation in the school hallway? So loud for everyone to hear?

Daddy Beaufort being a Prick (Part Deux)

Papa Beaufort is now manipulating James by trivialising his feelings for Ruby as just a “crush you won’t remember in 2 years”

And so what Daddy Dipshit? So what? At least he would be happy for the short period he was with his crush.

James bought Ruby an expensive leather satchel for her birthday. Inside the bag, was a birthday greeting card and a drawing of her James sketched by himself.

I have to admit, that was thoughtful of James.

James and Lydia are using their dad’s rules of manipulation against him. They refuse to do what their dad wants. Lyd goes to the press conference to represent the brand she conceived while James has gone to the party to be with Ruby.

So Alistair’s boyfriend is a homosexual homophobe.

Alistair got a match on Grindr and the homosexual homophobe is burning with jealousy.

Lyd just arrived at the press conference.

Yes, baby girl! Claim what is yours and fuck daddy douchebag.

The lights went off as James and Ruby were about to kiss.

I bet Daddy Dipshit has a hand in this.

They finally kissed and yo! it was ravenous. They are quite hungry for each other.

Daddy Beaufort is here.

I knew that motherfucker was responsible for the lights going off. He used the fuse as a way to drag them downstairs so that he could carry out his fuckery.

My Thoughts on Maxton Hall Episode 4

It was cute and easy to get through. I think this is the best episode yet.

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