Maxton Hall S1E1: I HATE James Beaufort

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maxton hall episode 1 james beaufort is annoying and I doubt I will ever like him_myopicconcaves

If you have a show or a movie suggestion put it in the comments section and I will talk about it when I have the time.

I cannot stand him. He is annoying and grating.

Hi there, it’s Myopic Concaves. I said on Thursday that I would be moving on to Maxton Hall, and here we are: doing Maxton Hall.

Before I start, I’m gonna need you to subscribe and join the tribe. We are small but we are a close-knit family.

Now that you have done that, let’s get into the episode proper.


Maxton Hall Episode 1: Under the Radar

A shirtless boy in the bed with a girl next to him. His house is filthy as fuck.

James Beaufort – the boy’s name.

Playing by the pool with his friends.

Juvenile behaviour.

Lyd comes in crying about Ruby Bell walking in and the press destroying her reputation.

Who is Ruby Bell?

4 Hours Later

Lyd said that Ruby would destroy her but all I see is a nice girl who just showed a pregnant woman some kindness and has a good relationship with her teacher Mr. Sutton.

Ruby dreams of going to Oxford University, and this froofy, rich bitch school, Maxton Hall, is her ticket to Oxford.

Hmm – a girl with dreams, I see.

Some asshole just drove past Ruby and splashed dirty mud water on her white socks.

Ruby is a scholarship kid.

Oh, I see it is one of those shows. The German Gossip Girl. This makes Ruby the “Dan Humphrey” of this story.

So Lyd is the bitch who splashed muddy water on Ruby. No wonder her dumbass was crying later.

Honestly, I think her tears are a false alarm. Ruby didn’t do shit to her. She just wants James Beaufort to be her henchman.

Oh, Lyd is also a Beaufort, and they are a wealthy family.

Ruby calls Maxton Hall “a microcosm of millionaires”.

Lin is Ruby’s friend. Lin was also rich until her parents divorced, and their business collapsed.

Lyd feels slighted because Mr Sutton praised Ruby’s thoughts on Kant over hers.

There is going to be a welcome party.

The fuck did I just watch?! Mr Sutton is fucking Lyd Beaufort?! So he is a paedophile?! What the fuck?!

Ahhhh!!!! So this was why Lyd was crying? Goddamn.

The idiot say na “It’s not what it looks like”

Your tongue was deep inside your student’s throat and you say, “it’s not what it looks like”. Have you no shame, Uncle?

Present Timeline

James is in school. My guess is that he is not a student of Maxton Hall.

Ruby can’t tell Lin what she just witnessed.

Aww Kieran has a crush on Ruby.

Poor thing. You ain’t getting her.

Lin knows and she is teasing both Kieran and Ruby about it.

Poor Kieran. No Ruby-puss for you.

James Beaufort is here to meet Ruby: inter-RESTING.

Oh, so this fucker is a student. Why isn’t he wearing his school uniform? Is he allergic to it?

This motherfucker called her Robin. When she corrected him, the douche then replied, “I knew it was something with an ‘R’”

If I smack you, ehn?

So Lyd’s full name is Lydia – hmm.

He came to bribe Ruby with chicken change to keep her mouth shut.

The insort

She didn’t take the money. She called him an asshole.

Oshey!!! Drag the fool

He said she could use the money to buy a new backpack.

This boy is mad, oh! Very mad.

She made it rain on the hoe

Ruby is a waitress as well.

A hardworking queen – we love to see it.

The image is still playing in her head. I bet she has lost respect for Mr. Paedophile Sutton.

Ruby said she doesn’t need James’ money, she can earn her own.

Girl, yay for the hustling but if the idiot offers you millions, take it and turn it into a blackmailing gig.

Ruby has a sister- a flirty one, and their dad is disabled (he’s in a wheelchair).

No mum: is she dead?

They seem like a happy, close-knit family.

Oh, there’s a mum. She was probably at work.

Ruby’s sister’s name is Ember.

Her dad sleeps downstairs because they can’t afford to fix the stair lift for him.

Wow, the Bell family is in dire straits.

Ruby is saving up for a new one.

The Game

Ruby is here to see Mr “Statutory Rape” Sutton. Ruby asked him for a letter of recommendation before she caught him with Lydia. Now, she can’t bear to look at him while Oga is doing eye-service.

She refused to accept his letter of recommendation. Ruby feels it won’t be worth anything if or when he is caught for fucking his students.

James has dragged Ruby into a corner

Dude, what do you want?

James wants to give Ruby more money because “everyone has a price.”

It is 2:18 am, and I want to scream and shout, so badly.

This dickhead is taking his clothes off to prostitute himself to save his sister.

He said and I quote, “an experience with the hottest guy in school.”

If I smack you. Who is hot? Look at this 10kobo ashawo oh! Did she tell you she wants to fuck you?

Ruby told him to go to hell and if he comes a step close, she would kick him in the blokos.

She has given him her price: STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME.

I think Ruby’s up, close and personal encounter with Shitface Beaufort has altered her brain chemistry.

Who is Lexington? Lin said he would be at the game.

Lacrosse – How rich of them.

James is the captain of the lacrosse team. He is a jock.

Why is Ruby hanging on the rails? Is she about to get hit by a ball?

Some Ellington dude started a fight. Somebody has anger issues.

Ellington went to stand next to Ruby and he said if she wanted action, it was over there on the field.

Which action Oga? You carried yourself to go meet her and you are talking about action.

Ruby made Ellington smile. She said she preferred the game when they were fighting. That was so nice of her.

Ellington’s full name is Alistair Ellington.

James got distracted because he was looking at Alistair and Ruby getting acquainted.
Maxton Hall won the game.

James thinks Ruby is doing something with Alistair. Now the dickhead just called her “a nobody from some no-name backwater”.

Ah! James Beaufort may thunder fire you a hundred times. You good for nothing piece of shit.

Ruby is sad.

The Beaufort driver, Percy looks more like James than whoever is gonna play his dad.

I just saw the dad and hell yeah, I was right. He and James look nothing alike.

The Welcome Party

The night of the welcome party is here. Ruby has to make sure the event is a success. If she does, the headmaster would give her a recommendation letter for Oxford.

We all know she won’t get it because of Dickhead Beaufort.

Why does Mr Corruption-of-a-Minor Sutton want to talk to Ruby?

Oh, he is promising Ruby that nothing of that sort will ever happen again and that he met Lyd outside school.

Mr. Paedophile Sutton, just get lost. Nobody wants to hear your lies.

James has ruined the party. He hired strippers to dance.

God I hate this loser, and I don’t care about the redemption arc they give him. I. HATE. HIM.

Lexington is the headmaster.

At least Lexington knows the truth about the strippers.

James has been suspended from the lacrosse team and no letter of recommendation for Ruby.

Lexington has forced Shitface Beaufort into the event planning committee headed by Ruby.

Neither of them wants to work together.

Shitface Beaufort said he is going to go to WAR with Ruby.

Are you mental, James? What war?!

My thoughts

Well, you’ve read most of them but in general, I would say this is a good start.

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