okay nigerian movie: HOW I LOVE TO BE LOVED

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okay nigerian movie: HOW I LOVE TO BE LOVED

First Thoughts

All three characters were odd. We had a bushman, a psycho and an emotional cheater

The Cast and Crew

Uche Montana as Zara
IK Ogbonna as Olisa
Chike Daniels as Nnamdi
Nini Mbonu as Loveth
Dreams Alfa as Rahila Ada

Written by Kreator’s Pen
Produced by Uchenna Mbunabo
Directed by Omoruyi Efosa Emmanuel
Soundtrack: The Way I Want by Michelle Chinonso

Full Story

Zara and Nnamdi are parents to Rahila Ada but they are unmarried. Their unmarried status is not because they didn’t want to get married. It is rather a result of Zara’s father being a tribalistic nincompoop who refused to accept an Igbo man marrying his “northern” daughter. 

Zara and Nnamdi have managed to build a stable life together. Nnamdi is a successful businessman who loves his “wife” and his daughter. Zara loves him too but there seems to be something missing in the relationship for her. 

Zara likes romance. She wants to be kissed on the forehead, in public and loves being wined and dined like a princess. Her favourite TV show is a talk show called “How I Liked To Be Loved” where tips are given on how to spice up your relationship. Zara tries to incorporate these tips into her relationship but bushman Nnamdi refuses to allow her be great. 

There was a time when Zara tried to kiss Nnamdi when he returned from work to welcome him. You know a hug and a little kiss  – not a full make-out session but Nnamdi refused. His reason was that he didn’t want them to corrupt their daughter. 

Zara asked that they do a little foreplay before sex but Nnamdi didn’t think it was necessary. His rationale was that she wanted it and he wanted it, so why waste time? They should just do it sharp sharp

I guess he is one of those who like it dry before entry. Poor Zara.

When Zara suggests that they try some of the other positions in the Kamasutra because she is bored with missionary, Nnamdi immediately thinks that she has bad friends who are influencing her. 

Nnamdi started dating Zara because she is a Northern girl who dresses modestly. She doesn’t wear form-fitting clothes and she covers her hair. She is a Christian but she was raised to be very conservative which made Nnamdi think that she is one naïve bush girl who doesn’t know anything. 

Nnamdi is also obsessed with work. After Zara’s father rejected him, he saw the rejection as motivation to work harder and become rich to make him worthy of Zara’s father’s acceptance. Nnamdi believes that when he becomes a multi-millionaire, her father will have no choice but to accept him as a son-in-law. 

If you think about it, Nnamdi’s intentions are noble; one could even argue romantic, but his obsession with work slowly drives a wedge between him and Zara. For his birthday, Zara and Rahila prepared a nice dinner for him and also baked a cake. They even called him to remind him to come back home early but Nnamdi still came back from work late. By the time he got home, Rahila was already asleep.

On Zara’s birthday, they were supposed to go out to eat and see some nice places but Nnamdi got a call to supply 200 bags of cement. He leaves for work promising to return after an hour. He ends up returning late at night which annoys Zara. 

While out shopping, Zara runs into a friend from school, Olisa. 

This is where we’re going to do a quick rewind to understand who this Olisa guy is and yo! 

Olisa is what you call an obsessive lover. His ex-girlfriend, Loveth hilariously diagnosed him as having O.L.D – Obsessive Love Disorder. Olisa and Loveth were a couple until she went into hiding because of him. While they were dating, Olisa never allowed her to talk to other men. He stalked Loveth everywhere, oftentimes waiting outside her office for hours before she closed from work to take her home. 

Even when Loveth told him she was travelling out of town, Olisa was ready to drop everything he was doing to follow her. According to him, he loves her too much to let her out of his sight. Loveth had to run away from him and block his number and profile on every social media to avoid him. She still lives in the same city but was forced to wear a head covering to conceal her identity. 

So back to Zara and Olisa. They reconnect as old friends and quickly Olisa becomes obsessed with her. Zara who is desperate to be romanced thinks that Olisa is just a friend who is eager to catch up. 

One of the ways Olisa began to slowly creep into Zara’s life was by redeeming her birthday. After Nnamdi ruined it, Olisa takes her out for lunch and buys her a very expensive perfume as a birthday present. Olisa also calls Zara every day and they talk for such long hours that Zara forgets to pick her daughter up from school

which upsets Nnamdi but he forgives Zara anyway. 

As their bond grew stronger, Zara asked Olisa to kiss her forehead because she craved that feeling and he was happy to do so. Olisa even offered to kiss other parts of her body by Zara laughed it off. They continue to spend more time with each other and on one of those outings, Loveth almost ran into them. 

Olisa’s gifts evolve into something bolder like buying Zara lingerie and a rose. Zara liked the gift but when Nnamdi found them in the wardrobe, he was disgusted. He couldn’t understand why Zara would want to wear a thong as underwear, so in a fit of rage, he burned them. When Olisa finds out he is annoyed, Zara brushes it off as nothing.

One day, while out shopping, Loveth runs into Zara alone and she strikes up a conversation with her. She warns Zara about Olisa, you know,  giving her a heads-up but Zara doesn’t listen because she is drunk off the attention.

After weeks of nurturing his obsession, Olisa professes his feelings to Zara. This happens while they are chilling in his living room and Zara wishes that Nnamdi was more like Olisa. She says that Nnamdi is 80% of the man she wants but there is just that 20% missing. Olisa then says that he can be that 20% matter of fact, the whole 100% and then proceeds to kiss Zara. She kisses him back for like a second but pulls back. 

Once she pulls back that is when the REAL Olisa comes to the fore. He is like,

“I want you and you want me too. Let’s be together”

ra ra nonsense but Zara retorted with a

“we’re just friends. This was just friendship and nothing more. I don’t know where you go this idea from because I love my man.”

Now when Zara said this, I was like 

You don’t know where he got that from? 

Because ain’t no way your ass is about to gaslight Olisa into thinking what you both were doing was “just friendship”.

That man bought you a rose with underwear, sexy underwear and you thought that was your friend being just a friend? 

In what world? 

When I saw that part I straight up threw Zara into the bin because she’s an EXTREMELY selfish person.

Anyway, Olisa becomes emboldened and invites himself into Zara’s home to threaten Nnamdi. The obsession and stalking become so great that Nnamdi has to arrest Olisa. In the end, Olisa promises to be better and her father finally accepts Nnamdi as a son-in-law. 

Rating out of 10

I give it 🤪🤪🤪🤪

I watched the movie because it was easy to get through. However, there was no urgency. It could be that the writer wanted it way, but I (personally) would have loved to see more of Olisa being crazy with Nnamdi and Zara. 

It was wrapped up so quickly that they turned a story that could have been an amazing thriller into a watered-down drama masquerading as a rom-com. 

But then again maybe that was the idea. Maybe their goal was to make the movie what it was. It wasn’t my cup of tea though.

 I’m sure lots of people would love it anyway.

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