funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH

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funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH recap

If you have a show or a movie suggestion put it in the comments section and I will talk about it when I have the time.

First thoughts 

Ifeanyi was a trip. The way his mouth was just running like a loose tap was too funny. He had the funniest lines in this movie. 

The Cast and Crew

IK Ogbonna as Ifeanyi
Bolaji Ogunmola as Bukky
Great Valentine Edochie as Kingsley
Charles Born as Deji
Jessica Tse as Miriam

Written by MaryJane Okoronkwo
Produced by Bolaji Ogunmola 
Directed by Great Valentine Edochie 

Full Story

Ifeanyi is an Igbo man with a very Onitsha accent. The type of accent where you interchange β€œr” for β€œl” and vice versa. For example, β€œyou are a vely beautifu geh. We give God the grory.”

funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH recap

Ifeanyi is also a 

Who goes out every night and brings home a different woman.

On the other side of town lives Bukky. She is weeping and mourning the loss of her life savings. She β€œinvested” everything she had into a Ponzi scheme and lost everything.

funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH recap

The next morning she goes to work and finds out she is fired. The company is going through an economic downturn and laying off staff. While still nursing the pain from the loss of her savings and the loss of her job, Bukky also finds out that her boyfriend is cheating on her with her β€œbest friend/roommate”.

Three blows within a 24-hour window were too much for Bukky to bear, she had to let off steam and so, she went to a bar. There she drinks her sorrows away but when it is time to pay, Aunty pays the bartender 5k for a 30k bill.Β 

funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH recap

As she is on her way out of the bar, the staff accost her, demanding their money and Ifeanyi, who happens to be seated with his friend Kingsley, offers to clear the bill for her.Β 

Seated with Ifeanyi and Kingsley, Bukky drinks some more and what do you know, she and Ifeanyi end up at his place for some one-night stand action.Β 

funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH recap

The next morning, she is shocked. She doesn’t know who Ifeanyi is and asks him if they had sex. Ifeanyi replies with the funniest line I have heard in a while.Β 

β€œDid we? Off course now. What would we be doing? Your bleast is out there and you are asking. We did now, you that was even scleaming. You were scleaming β€˜harder, harder, harder’.”

Yo! When he said that shit, I fell to the mother-effing floor and laughed so hard.Β 

So after the embarrassing morning after, Bukky returns home to pack her things. Her now EX-friend and roommate tries to explain herself and tell Bukky her own side of the story but Bukky doesn’t want to hear it.Β 

(I mean, girl, what explanation do you want to render? You are a betrayer and a backstabber. What reason can you give that would ever be enough to launder your image?)

funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH recap

Bukky moves in with her cousin Miriam who is fine with her staying. She even assures Bukky that her husband, Deji would be fine with it. 

That fool was not fine with it. Deji starts by being passive-aggressive with Bukky and then out of nowhere, this motherfucker starts toasting her. LikeΒ 

From where to where my guy.Β 

Anyway, Bukky refutes his advances and this bitch-made-asshole, goes ahead and LIES to Miriam. He sits up in the middle of the night, acting like something is troubling him and then, when Miriam asks, straight up lies to her.

funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH recap

The next morning, Bukky informs Miriam of Deji’s advances and Mrs-Imma-Stick-Beside-Him throws her penniless and jobless cousin out of her home. She says,

β€œDeji told me that you’ve been trying to seduce him.”

Girl what now

You chose a penis you ain’t got no kids with over your cousin?! Without investigating? Wow, that’s low.

funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH recap

So penniless with no place to go, Bukky moves in with Ifeanyi. She pleads that it would only be for the time being till she gets a job. Ifeanyi allows her to stay after mocking her for being poor.Β 

While living with him, Bukky realises that she is pregnant – for Ifeanyi. He, on the other hand, was living his best whore life. Bukky eventually tells him that she is pregnant but he doesn’t believe that he is the father.Β 

funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH recap

Well, he kind of does but doesn’t at the same time. Anyway, on his way back from partying one night, he is involved in a car accident and he is forced to wear an arm cast (in this case a bandage) on his right arm for a while.Β 

During that period, Bukky nurses him back to health and Ifeanyi falls for her. But he refuses to admit it – he claims that he doesn’t believe in love and he doesn’t want to end up with a Yoruba woman.Β 

funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH recap

However, after removing his cast, he and Bukky have sex. The next morning, she receives a text that she got a job. As she rushes downstair, happy and excited to tell Ifeanyi about it, she overhears him telling Kingsley that he is not in love. He and her are only scratching each other’s itch and he has no intentions of ending up with a Yoruba woman.Β 

Bukky is hurt and she moves out of his house. She lies to him that her new job offered her accommodation and she would text him the place when she gets there. She does text him the address but it’s a fake address and a fake phone number.Β 

funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH recap

Throughout her absence, Ifeanyi is 

Bukky gives birth alone without the baby’s father present or any family for that matter.

Months later, she reconnects with Kingsley to find out about Ifeanyi stating that her son wants to meet his father. Kingsley tells her about Ifeanyi’s past and why he is so afraid of love.Β 

funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH recap

Bukky goes to meet Ifeanyi with their son and he is so happy. As she is about to leave, he doesn’t allow her oh. He proposes marriage and asks her to move in. She does move in but wants them to take things slow.Β 

While they are together, Ifeanyi is a hands-on father and Miriam calls. Apparently, Deji the bitch-ass impregnated their neighbour. Miriam visits Bukky crying and apologising. Bukky forgives her and Miriam gets to meet Ifeanyi and her son.Β 

funny nigerian movie: IMPERFECT MATCH recap

The end.

Rating out of 10

I give it πŸ‘©πŸΏβ€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨πŸΏπŸ‘©πŸΏβ€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨πŸΏπŸ‘©πŸΏβ€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨πŸΏπŸ‘©πŸΏβ€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨πŸΏπŸ‘©πŸΏβ€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨πŸΏπŸ‘©πŸΏβ€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨πŸΏπŸ‘©πŸΏβ€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘¨πŸΏ

This movie was very funny for about 75 per cent of its runtime. The star of the show was IK Ogbonna. He over delivered. 

However, after Bukky moved out of Ifeanyi’s house, I fast-forwarded through most of the aftermath. I tried to watch it but it wasn’t as fun. 

To be fair, I think that was a β€œme” problem and I strongly believe a lot of you would enjoy this movie. It was good. 

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