funny nigerian movie: LOCAL LOVE 

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funny nigerian movie: LOCAL LOVE recap

If you have a show or a movie suggestion put it in the comments section and I will talk about it when I have the time.

First thoughts 

Blessing was a very funny character. Her mumu was on par with Dumebi.

The Cast and Crew

Maurice Sam as Samuel
Sarian Martin Oruene as Blessing
Thelma Chukwunwem as Sanuel’s mother
Ijeoma Richards as Blessing’s mother
Hilary Jackson as Samuel’s friend
Ella Patrick as Doctor

Written by Agu Gift Ihuoma
Produced by Uche Alexmoore  
Directed by Uche Alexmoore

Full Story

Blessing’s mother finds her chowing down jumbo portions of akpu and soup despite eating a huge meal not too long ago. Immediately she gets suspicious and asks Blessing when last she saw her period. Blessing says that it’s been a while and she thinks she is now menopausal like her mother.

funny nigerian movie: LOCAL LOVE recap

Her mother then asks her if she is pregnant and Blessing laughs, stating that that would be impossible as she has never done anything. Her mother asks the same question in another way,

“has anybody pulled your pant?”

and immediately, Blessing goes into a detailed explanation.

Blessing states that whenever she went to visit a certain corper, Samuel. He would tell her she is beautiful and then remove her pant and do something that is “sweet”. Her mother lets out a sound of distress, quickly realising that her daughter is not only a dummy but a pregnant dummy. 

funny nigerian movie: LOCAL LOVE recap

Without wasting time, Blessing’s mother swings into action. She calls Samuel who has finished his youth service and returned to Lagos. When she calls, his mother picks up and is a bit overwhelmed by the information, so she reports back to Samuel who 

Blessing’s mother calls again but this time, Samuel lies to his mother that it is a wrong number. Samuel keeps up the lie until Blessing’s mother is able to obtain his mother’s phone number.

Blessing’s mother explains everything and Samuel’s mother confronts him. This motherfucker looks his mother straight in the eye and lies again. So his mother says that they would have to travel to Delta state to meet Blessing and her mother and ask why they are telling lies about Samuel.

funny nigerian movie: LOCAL LOVE recap

Samuel is like “that is too much” but his mother is like, “no, we need to get to the bottom of this”. That is when the he-goat finally confessed to being the daddy. His mother is disappointed but quickly sends for Blessing and her mother to come to their house in Lagos. Samuel is not happy with this development. 

Blessing and her mother arrive and Samuel is angry. He initially wants Blessing to stay in the visitor’s room but his mother insists that they stay in the same room. Samuel protests saying that he needs his privacy. His mother is like, “what privacy? After exploring each other’s private parts?”

funny nigerian movie: LOCAL LOVE recap

After spending some days in the “Samuel household,” Blessing’s mother returns to Delta State, leaving Blessing in the care of Samuel and his mother. Samuel’s mother is amazing with Blessing while Samuel is a fucktard.

That fool complained about everything, from calling her a girl “not up to his standard” (she no reach your standard but you still carry your prick enter her. Idiot!) to saying she annoys him. 

funny nigerian movie: LOCAL LOVE recap

Blessing being oblivious and still in love with Samuel, continues as if the idiot doesn’t heap insults on her. Blessing even prays for Samuel and assures him he will get a job because she is “grace.” Samuel doesn’t believe her but his mother does.

funny nigerian movie: LOCAL LOVE recap

Samuel’s mother briefs him of her observations since Blessing arrived at their home. Samuel had gotten a job and a quick promotion. Things have been easier for him whenever he is nice to Blessing. However, the days he was mean to her, things were not so good for him. 

Eventually, Samuel does believe his mother, but when Blessing finds out that Samuel is only nice to her because of the “blessings” she brings, she is sad. Samuel assures her that he is not nice to her because of that and they reconcile, they kiss. 

funny nigerian movie: LOCAL LOVE recap

The end.

Rating out of 10

I give it 🤰🏿🤰🏿🤰🏿🤰🏿🤰🏿

I think Sarian Martin Oruene has found her niche. She has great comedic timing and is quite funny. She is like a younger Mercy Johnson when it comes to comedy. 

I enjoyed the film. It was funny. 

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