okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN

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okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

First thoughts 

Chioma Okafor is a phenomenal actress. Her ability to have chemistry with all these men has me shook.

The Cast and Crew

Chioma Okafor as Laura
Chris Okagbue as Chike
Pretty Amadi as Coco
Sabili Boluwatife Sultan as Cameron
Helen Samuel as Aunty Ronke
Ibukun Leez as Titi
Paul Word Uma as Aniedi

Written by Mfon-Abasi Michael Inyang, Inem King
Produced by Grace Onyia
Directed by Awal AbdulFatai

Full Story

Chike is in a restaurant with his friend Aniedi when he spots a lady on a dinner date with a guy. Immediately he recognises her and so does Aniedi. The lady is Laura, his crush from school.

okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

Everything Aniedi is saying to him goes from one ear and out the next. Chike observes her demeanour and he can tell she needs saving as her date was just yap, yap, yapping. 

He stands up and walks to her table. Chike pretends to be Laura’s lover, who just found out she is cheating on him. He drags her out of the table and they go outside. 

okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

Once outside, they laugh about what happened and she thanks him for saving her from the dreadful date. He then offers to take her home. 

When they get to the area, Chike asks for her number so they can go out sometime. She pretends to give him her number and when he calls it doesn’t exist. Chike tries to run after her to get her real number but she is gone- vanished from his sight.

okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

That night Chike spends it trying to look for her on social media and he finds her.

Laura gives her friend, Coco, the gist of what happened the night before. Coco asks Laura if she is going to let Chike know that she has a son, and Laura says no. Chike asked her to abort her pregnancy back then. 

Laura then leaves to go pick up her son, Cameron. When she comes back, she is overwhelmed by the bills she has to pay. The next day she gets a call from someone who tells her about a job. Laura is excited about the prospect of making more money. 

okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

Little back story, Laura is an interior decorator. She and Coco run their own partnership business from her living room. Work has been tough lately because they’ve not been getting as many jobs as they used to and even when they do, the money is not that great.

When Laura gets to the house, she is shocked to find out it is owned by Chike. She immediately rejects the job but after a call from her mother, Aunty Ronke, Laura is forced to take up the job because her bills her piling up. 

okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

During her consultation with Chike, he asks her to decorate the house the same way she would hers but Laura doesn’t. She draws up a plan based on what she remembers of him. 

In the past, Chike was, for lack of a better word, a

He was dating Titi while actively sleeping with her friends and asking Laura out. The dude was busy, if

So Laura was not ready to waste her time decorating the house to look like the one she would live in when that same house would be used for debauchery . 

She shows Chike the plan and he is like “I don’t want this. This house is where my wife and family would stay.” In Laura’s mind, she is livid. So this guy is married and he is still toasting her? Nonetheless, she goes back home and draws up a new plan. 

okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

Then some days later, Chike asks that they meet. When they do, he tells her that she needs to hurry up because he is tired of staying in a hotel. He wants to move in ASAP. Laura informs him that it would cost him more and Chike, the big money spender is like

Laura calls her guys to get more guys and the work commences. Chike even transfers the down payment to Laura’s account which helps her to pay her mother back and take care of some of her son’s bills. The money also makes Coco excited.

One day, Laura asks where Chike is, as she needs to show him the progress they’ve made as well as more ideas she’s come up with. She is able to let herself into his hotel room by lying to the concierge that she is his wife.

okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

In his room, they each spend time staring at each other lustfully at various times. Chike recounts the story of why he had to quit his job as a pilot. It was because the plane he flew almost crashed and his parents told him never to fly again. Then he lays it thick on Laura.

okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

He confesses that he still likes Laura, even after all these years and wonders why she just won’t be with him. After all the toasting and shakara, one thing leads to another and they 

But Laura regrets it immediately. 

She gets home and finds Cameron sleeping. Her mother calls and from their conversation, she spills that her mother is in fact her aunt who adopted and raised her.

okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

Laura confides with her mother about a man she is falling for. He is married with kids and she doesn’t know what to do. Then her mum advises her to always think of Cameron when making her decisions. She should always ask herself “is this something Cameron would be proud of me doing?”

Days pass and Laura goes back to acting formal with Chike who just wants them to start dating like yesterday. Laura leaves the site early to go pick up Cameron. She lies to Chike that she is going to get site materials. However, on her way back from her son’s school, Cameron says that he is pressed and she also forgot her iPad at Chike’s house. 

okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

Chike eventually gets to meet Cameron. Both wipe their hands the same way and they both wear glasses. That night Laura has a nightmare within a nightmare about Chike. The first one, he calls to ask why she kept Cameron away from him and the second dream is her waking up from the first dream, going downstairs and seeing Cameron and Chike eating breakfast. In the second dream, she is married to Chike. 

Cameron wakes her up and tells her he is almost late for school. So she rushes to put something on to take him to school. But to her surprise, Chike arrives at her doorstep. He offers to take them to school which he does and he brings her home.

okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

From his demeanour, she could tell he already knew Cameron was his child, So she asked how he knew. Chike said he did the math. Then he inquires why she didn’t do the abortion and she says she couldn’t because of some Oniru women curse. Chike demands to be in their son’s life but she says no. 

Days later, her aunt/adopted mother, comes visiting and while Laura has gone to pick Cameron up from school, Chike visits again. Aunty Ronke tells him that he can only be in Cameron’s life. He cannot be with Laura because he is a married man. Chike flinches a bit and sends Laura a text to come home. 

okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

When she arrives with Cameron, he greets both Aunty Ronke and Chike then Aunty Ronke takes to his bedroom to excuse his parents. There Chike says he wants them to be a family to which Laura rebuffs with “you are married” and Chike is like “I am not married.”

Laura is happy and blushing and they kiss and the end.

okay nigerian movie: FALLING AGAIN recap

Rating out of 10

I give it 👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏿👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏿👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏿👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏿👩🏿‍❤️‍👨🏿

I respect the moviemaking that was this movie, especially the camera work and use of misdirection.

My favourite scene was when Aunty Ronke and Chike sit beside each other and there is this awkward silence. That was such a real scene, something that most YouTube Nollywood movies lack: characters having the chance to just be real people. 

The story was alright. There were some interesting plot choices made in the storytelling that I didn’t like but then, the goal was to sell love. Then sha try.

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