okay nigerian movie: THROUGH HIS EYES 

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okay nigerian movie: THROUGH HIS EYES recap

If you have a show or a movie suggestion put it in the comments section and I will talk about it when I have the time.

First thoughts 

Kofi Adjorlolo and Jude Odoh were just too funny. They were a trip.

Also what was with the inconsistency with the names? Are they the Macons or the Osadebes?

The Cast and Crew

Clinton Joshua Ezewele as Kylian Udenaya Osadebe
Ebube Ezeh as Adaora
Chioma Edak as Nana Ohema
Jude Odoh as Osato
Frances Nsonwu Ikoroha as Belema
Kofi Adjorlolo as Kofi

Written by
Kreator’s Pen
Produced by Uchenna Mbunabo
Directed by Ben Cassie

Full Story

Kylian Udenaya Osadebe is the son of a very wealthy business owner of the Middleton company. Now, the Osadebes are old money and have basically designed Kylian’s life for him.

okay nigerian movie: THROUGH HIS EYES recap

He is not allowed to consume sugar or anything sweet. He is not allowed to party or make friends that don’t further the success of the Middleton Corp. Kylian is only allowed to wear suits – nothing casual or even business casual. Finally, the only woman for him is his betrothed, Adaora.

They’ve been together since they were sixteen, and even though they feel nothing for each other, they both understand that their union is for the enrichment of their families. 

okay nigerian movie: THROUGH HIS EYES recap

Kylian’s parents live anywhere but home – today Paris, tomorrow, Milan and wherever else. But that doesn’t mean they don’t have a firm grip on Kylian. They have two domestic staff who double as Mr and Mrs Osadebe’s spies. The housekeeper, Belema and the driver, Osato. 

Unbeknownst to Kylian’s parents though, neither of them is spying on Kylian. They only inform them of anything when Kylian is either sick or moody.

okay nigerian movie: THROUGH HIS EYES recap

Adaora’s sister is getting married and to make sure Kylian is dressed to impress to represent the family, Mrs Osadebe, sends some $1750 Tom Ford shoes she bought for Kylian to wear while she was gallivanting the streets of Europe.

Kylian tasks Osato, his stuttering driver to go collect it. Osato collects the shoes but branches over at his longtime best friend Kofi’s place because it is nearby. Kofi is a cobbler who has a blind daughter, Nana Ohema. Nana is also a gifted cobbler as she can make wonderful shoes just by the feel of them.

okay nigerian movie: THROUGH HIS EYES recap

Kofi entertains Osato with some expensive alcohol but instead of Osato taking his time drinking the liquor, he fills up his glass and gulps it like a shot. 

After much talk and reminiscing, Osato leaves for home. When he gets home, however, he doesn’t give Kylian the shoes. When Kylian asks him the next day, he realises that he had lost them.

okay nigerian movie: THROUGH HIS EYES recap

Osato lies though. He lies that he forgot it with his friend. Then he rushes to Kofi’s shop and begs Kofi to make a replica. Kofi refuses but Nana accepts to do it because she can’t bear to hear that her “uncle” lost his job over something she could help him avoid. 

One day, while on her way to shop, Kylian almost runs Nana over. He comes down, checks up on her and realises that she is blind so her offers to give her a lift. He drops her off at the shop and advises Kofi to get Nana a guide. Kofi thanks him but insists that Nana prefers to be independent. 

okay nigerian movie: THROUGH HIS EYES recap

The wedding day arrives and Osato brings the shoes. Kylian wears them and loves them but the next day, he calls Osato out for trying to deceive him. He knew that those weren’t the shoes his mother sent. 

Osato confesses and Kylian demands to meet who made the shoes. Osato takes Kylian to Kofi’s shop. After looking around, he leaves, without saying a word. Back home, Mr Osadebe calls Kylian to berate him, basically being the ungrateful shit parent that he is. Kylian is stressed and leaves home alone without Osato driving him. 

okay nigerian movie: THROUGH HIS EYES recap

Where he drives to? Kofi’s shop. He spends the day there, and the next day and more days after that. He and Nana build a bond. She encourages him to be more of himself and less of who his parents want him to be. 

Slowly, Kylian begins to change. He is happier and freer and even starts dressing more casually. His mother notices this change via his social media and calls him to order. At first, Kylian obeys but after breaking things off with Nana, to focus on his life, he snaps. 

okay nigerian movie: THROUGH HIS EYES recap

He calls his parents out for being terrible, overbearing parents and stops picking up their calls. The silence sends Mr. Osadebe to the ER and Mrs Osadebe is forced to ask Adaora to help her talk to Kylian. Mrs Osadebe, concedes and allows Kylian to be his true self. She also accepts that he and Adaora won’t be a thing – to which Adaora is relieved. 

okay nigerian movie: THROUGH HIS EYES recap

In the end, Kylian begs Nana for forgiveness and they become a couple.

Rating out of 10

I give it 👩🏿‍🦯👩🏿‍🦯👩🏿‍🦯👩🏿‍🦯

Even though the movie was about love and a child crushing under the weight of parental expectations, it wasn’t what kept me entertained. They tried oh, don’t get me wrong. but I wasn’t actually drawn to that part of the story. It didn’t capture my heart. 

What kept me entertained was the comedic parts of the movie. The Kofi and Osato characters were the life of this movie. 

Also so many inconsistencies. Kylian’s mother is referred to as both Mrs Osadebe and Mrs Macon. The shoes they got for Kylian were first called Tom Ford and then in another scene, they were referred to as Nandos. Na wa!

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