good nigerian movie: TALK TO ME

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good nigerian movie: TALK TO ME recap

First thoughts 

I liked that the movie showed how being raised to always obey can affect your decision-making skills as an adult. 

The Cast and Crew

Thelma Chukwunwem as Madam Ojemba
Ruth Kadiri Ezerika as Zina
Deza The Great  as Tuoyo
Annes Anaekwe as Awele
Lorna Onuoha as Mum Zina
Zara Chukwu as Sparkle
Akorede Olaiya as Security
Ahmed Afolabi as James

Written by Adaeze Ibechukwu
Produced by Precious Kadiri
Directed by Morgan Ukeagbu

Full Story

Zina, a young widow is back in town and the only thing on her mind is to reconnect with Tuoyo, the man she once broke his heart. Tuoyo is a tailor who for some reason has not been able to move on from the heartbreak. His friend James has tried to set him up on dates but Tuoyo just can’t move forward. 

Zina enlists the help of her friend, Awele to help her find Tuoyo. At first, Awele is against the idea because she thinks it would be unfair for Zina to show up in Tuoyo’s life again. However, she changes her mind after Zina appeals to her, saying she has to see him. 

good nigerian movie: TALK TO ME recap

Awele is able to get the address of Tuoyo’s place of business and gives it to Zina. Zina goes to the place but is unable to enter. Every day, she just goes there, parks in front of the gate and just waits for some minutes before leaving. 

While she has been doing this, the security man has been observing her and one day, he knocks on her window, demanding to know who she is. Zina fails to give him a satisfactory answer and he accuses her of being a criminal. The back and forth is so loud that it prompts Tuoyo to come outside and check.

Once Zina sees Tuoyo, she buries her head in the steering wheel. Tuoyo knocks on her window repeatedly until she finally raises he head and winds down. 

Immediately Tuoyo sees her, he runs back in and locks the door. She chases after him but he doesn’t open. She waits for him outside till the close of work but he tells her to go back home. She continues to visit and stalk him, trying to wear him down. 

Zina updates Awele on the situation and Awele offers to give Zina, Tuoyo’s home address. Zina visits Tuoyo at home and while they are talking he dismissively says “If you’re not here to give me sex or massage me, please go” and Zina kisses him, offering herself to him.

good nigerian movie: TALK TO ME recap

He is shocked and tells her to leave. Later that night, Zina’s controlling mother-in-law, Madam Ojemba, enters her room to speak with her. She gets a whiff of the scent in Zina’s room and asks what it is to which Zina answers that it was her night perfume. Madam Ojemba then advises her not to wear it outside as it is a very seductive smell. Zina then proceeds to ask for permission to come back late the next day as she will be attending a friend’s party. Madam Ojemba refuses at first but gives in after Zina says she gave her friend her word. 

The following night, Zina barges into Tuoyo’s place of business and kisses him. He kisses her back and they 

They then talk and he regrets it saying they should never do it again but Zina doesn’t give up though.

She continues to visit and they spend time with each other which starts to mess with Tuoyo’s head. His friend James tries to remind him of the past hurt and when Tuoyo remembers, he cuts all communication with Zina. 

This drives Zina crazy and she continues to visit his place of business and just stay there for hours, waiting for him to come see her. Even Awele asks her what she wants from Tuoyo and she says, she doesn’t mind having just a little of him. She just wants to have him in her life after being separated from him for six years. 

Eventually, Zina wears Tuoyo down and they spend this night together. 

nothing happened but her passing the night outside was enough to raise Madam Ojemba’s suspicions.

Zina continues spending time with Tuoyo and on one of those days, they go pick up her daughter, Sparkle, from school together. Tuoyo is introduced as Uncle T to Sparkle and they all go for ice cream. 

While having dinner with Madam Ojemba, Sparkle asks Zina when they could see Uncle T again because the last time with him was so much fun. Zina is flabbergasted by her daughter’s request, while Madam Ojemba’s ears stand as antennae. She asks who Uncle T is and Zina says he is an old friend who needed a lift. 

Later that night, Madam Ojemba accosts Zina to lay down the ground rules. Zina is to remain a widow for the rest of her life. Her only concern would be to manage the Ojemba family home, Zina’s late husband’s businesses and raise Sparkle. Zina is to see herself as the future matriarch of the Ojemba family.

good nigerian movie: TALK TO ME recap

Zina reminds her that she is only in her 30s and Madam Ojemba retorts “I don’t care if you’re 29 or 21, you will never remarry.”

Back to Tuoyo, he has an off day and calls Zina to come over so they can spend the day together. They cook, watch TV, talk and she takes a nap. When it is time for her to go, he wakes her up to go but she says she still has 30 minutes and then, oga decides that he wants to cough cough. They start kissing but Zina stops it and apologises saying that they can’t go any further. 

Tuoyo is annoyed and Zina runs out. 

Zina is depressed and Awele comes over to talk with her. Awele tries to understand why she is stopping herself from being with Tuoyo and Zina explains that she is afraid. Madam Ojemba had warned her against remarrying and she is afraid of going against her mother-in-law because she doesn’t know what the consequences would be. 

Awele advises Zina to be brave and go for what she wants. She has spent her life obeying everyone and denying herself: this is her second chance at love and it would be unwise not to take it. Hearing those words from Awele puts a fire in Zina’s belly and she goes straight to Tuoyo to apologise. She begs him, promising that she is now willing and ready to fight for their love. 

Tuoyo isn’t too pleased at first but he gives in because he loves her so much. They kiss and they 

Unbeknownst to Zina, Madam Ojemba has been having her trailed by the family driver, so when Zina returns from Tuoyo’s place, Madam Ojemba demands to know where she is coming from. Zina lays it out plain and simple “I went to go see my boyfriend” and Madam Ojemba loses it. She calls Zina a whore and shameless and throws her out. She even seizes Sparkle. 

Zina doesn’t give up, she calls her mother and the mums have a confrontation. 

In the end, Zina gets Sparkle and her mother apologises to Tuoyo for being such a snob in the past. 

good nigerian movie: TALK TO ME recap

Rating out of 10

I give it 💕💕💕💕💕

It was a story about enduring love and it was good. I do wish that there were more flashbacks to show us how in love Tuoyo and Zina were. You know to drive the point home and make us understand why he is so weak around her and why she is so desperate to be with him. All in all, it was alright. 

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