after a 4 year hiatus Skinny Girl In Transit is Back: Season 7 Episode 1

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SGIT season 7 episode 1 review

First thoughts 

The show is more serious and less comedic – well, judging from the first episode at least.

Aunty Dupe now has a love interest in Tony Umez. His character name is 

I liked how they showed time pass as Mohammed sat in the restaurant waiting for Shalewa.

There is a 5 weeks time jump.

Mide’s sister, Derin is back.


This episode opens with the naming ceremony of Tiwa and Mide’s son. He is given several names, the only memorable ones I remember were the one his parents call him, Ayomitide and the one Shalewa gave him, Nifemi. Every other name just flew right over my head.

After the many names are called, Mrs Awosika’s spiritual leader, Woli, appears. Even though his entrance was meant to be funny, it wasn’t; but it wasn’t bad either. I just felt that it gave me more of the feeling of nostalgia than it did 


Nevertheless, after the prayers and the naming was the schmoozing. Shalewa has a conversation with the new parents, Tiwa and Mide. They thank her for giving their son such a thoughtful name and ask how she came up with it. Shalewa responds in the most heartbreaking way that everyone just wants to be loved.

However, when Mohammed calls her on the phone, my girl (Shalewa) runs out of the living room. Matter of fact, baby girl leaves the building. 

Then we see Wosi and AY having a conversation about being cool and what hip Gen Z folks wear because – for some reason – AY has chosen to dress like a discount A$AP Rocky.

Mohammed meets the couple, congratulates them and asks about Shalewa. They mumble an answer because they don’t really know. However, Aunty Dupe approaches him and tells him with all the scowl she could muster, that Shalewa had left. That news shattered him sha. 

Cheating ass motherfrother. 

Later on, we see Shalewa at her therapist’s office talking about how she now recoils at the thought of getting attention from men. She recounts her past relationships – stating how much she misses Mohammed even though he cheated on her and how she hates herself for allowing Kwame to abuse her repeatedly.

Aunty Dupe says goodbye to a certain male friend and his daughter. The male friend is played by Tony Umez. When Mrs Awosika asks what his name is, Aunty Dupe changes the subject. 

Mide and Tiwa return home and they do a bit of gift-giving. He gifts her wads of dollars like 6 of them

While she gets him something he has always wanted. He never unboxes it so we’re gonna have to use our 

Shalewa is in a supermarket when someone nearly bumps into her. A good samaritan – a guy – saves her in the nick of time but it triggers Shalewa and she rushes out of the supermarket. She then gets a text from Mohammed asking for them to meet. 

Mohammed wait and wait and wait but Aunty Shalewa no show. 

Mrs. Awosika gets a message from a brand offering her 5 million naira to be an influencer for their brand of waist trainer and bleaching cream. She is appalled at first but tells Shalewa to help her tell them that she would only promote the waist trainer – not the bleaching cream.

5 weeks later, Tiwa is now cleared by her doctor to do the do. She tells Mide at the start of the day and baba was ready to burst one before going to work but she was like “After work”.

That whole day, Mide doesn’t think straight. He keeps trying to rush off but can’t because of endless meetings. Even when Derin meets with him and discusses the way she wants her office to look, Mide couldn’t care less. My guy just wanted to go home to his wife and put some things in things (if you know what I mean).

In the end. Shalewa gets a text from her friend, Tito who says that she has a serious case of code purple. Shalewa rushes to go meet her friend and there he is: Mohammed standing in an empty restaurant with a little black box in his hand. He opens it and goes down on one knee. 

Rating out of 10

I give it 💍💍💍💍💍💍💍💍

This was a nice first episode and it did its thing setting up the character arch of each character for the season. 

Shalewa is going on a personal journey. I think she is the focus of this season as her story is the most compelling. She is going to learn to love herself again and decide if Mohammed is the guy for her. I personally think that she would reject Mohammed’s proposal in episode 2 since it came out of left field and she is not in that headspace right now. 

Tiwa and Mide – I think their story might not be as interesting as it should be. I think the reintroduction of Derin is just to add a tiny bit of friction. She probably won’t be the annoying woman she was in seasons 4 and 5 but she might overstep her boundaries in a way that makes Tiwa uncomfortable. 

Didi – I don’t think she has a character arch this season. My reason is because her fiance, Editi, is not in the cast list. So yeah, we would barely see her. I think she has be moved back to her season two and three position where she is just there for laughs. 

Mohammed – has his work cut out for him. He is going to have to prove himself beyond reasonable doubt that he is the man for Shalewa. I do think that they would end up together but he is going to grovel and make sacrifices he didn’t think he could.

Wosi and AY – I may be seeing double but I think they might end up together. They’ve been teasing them since season 6. I also think Aunty Dupes new man’s daughter would be the one to let the cat out of the bag.

Aunty Dupe and her man – It hasn’t really been set up fully but I see Mrs. Awosika having a problem with him. I would have to watch episode 2 to decide. 

Overall, it was a nice start and I look forward to talking about the rest of the season. 

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