LOVING YOU (2023) – A Heartwarming Tale of Love and Maturity

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Nollywood movie review

Plot in a Nutshell:
In “LOVING YOU,” Ajoke and Cajetan meet at a roasted corn stand. Their friendship grows into a relationship, despite Ajoke’s initial concerns about their age difference. However, after a conversation with his friend Maxwell, Cajetan decides he can’t marry Ajoke due to their age gap. He begins dating Susan, but both realise they don’t belong together. When Cajetan discovers his true feelings for Ajoke, he rushes to confess his love to her at the same corn stand where they first met.

Emotional Rollercoaster:

Biggest Flaw:
The attack on Ajoke in her car, where she was “drugged” with chloroform, was poorly explained. The motive and what was stolen from her remained unclear, serving mainly as a plot device to make the movie “edgy”.

Who Should Watch This?
Anyone who enjoys wholesome and well-crafted movies.

Overall Satisfaction (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/10):
I rate “LOVING YOU” eight out of ten. The film is well-crafted, with characters who feel like real people leading genuine lives. The writing and character development reflect thoughtfulness and create a wholesome atmosphere. The full-circle ending was a standout moment, showing the movie’s well-thought-out structure.

Replay Potential:
This movie is certainly worth watching multiple times.

Memorable Distinction:
What sets “LOVING YOU” apart from other recent movies is the authenticity of its characters. They have jobs, engage in meaningful friendships, and display thoughtfulness, making the film a genuinely enjoyable and heartfelt experience.

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