WIVES (2023) Movie Review: A Preachy Mess 😒

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Nollywood Movie Reviews

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Plot in a Nutshell: Pedro marries Chloe and Lorene on the same day, only hours apart and in separate locations. Chaos ensues when Chloe arrives at her husband’s house to discover him with a new wife and a different wedding ring. Unable to handle the turmoil at home, Pedro flees and confides in his friend, Fred, recounting through flashbacks why he ended up with two wives, and it’s not because of love. When he returns home, the situation has turned—his wives have become fast friends, much to his dismay. Fearing they might conspire against him, Pedro runs off again.

Upon his eventual return, both women inform him of their intent to divorce him. Chloe, who had been supporting him financially and is also his boss, not only strips him of his home but also fires him on the spot. Desperate, Pedro decides to plot Chloe’s murder, but she turns the tables and offers his would-be assassin a higher sum to target Pedro instead. The film culminates with Pedro in a wheelchair while both wives walk away triumphantly into the sunset, mocking him.

Emotional Rollercoaster: 😒 – This movie came across as preachy, with Sarian Martin’s character, Chloe, delivering heavy-handed exposition and girl-boss anecdotes.

Twist and Turns: 1/5 – The plot twists felt underwhelming and lacked clarity. It’s unclear which moment the film considered a significant twist, whether it was Chloe’s early arrival, the newfound friendship between the wives, or Pedro’s attempt at murder.

Biggest Flaw: The movie’s writing failed to provide an entertaining narrative. Perhaps if Pedro’s character had been written with more depth and malevolence or if the reasons for his dual marriages were more convincing, or if the film had embraced a dark comedy angle, it might have been more engaging.

One-Sentence Review: “Wives” is a movie that struggles to compel, leaving viewers pondering its purpose.

Who Should Watch This: This movie might serve as background noise, but even then, the subpar audio quality may lead you to ignore its existence.

Overall Satisfaction: ⭐⭐/10 – This film didn’t resonate with me. While I respect its creation, it failed to entertain. Additionally, Dorothy Emefaa Anador’s acting left much to be desired.

Replay Potential: A one-time viewing is sufficient for me.

Memorable Distinction: The film’s use of flashbacks to convey the past was a notable storytelling technique.

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