Our Thoughts on the Future of James Bond After Watching No Time to Die

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the end of the james bond franchise?

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No Time to die James Bond is Dead

James Bond is dead, that’s according to the latest instalment of the double-o-seven series.

But the question now is,

what is the future of James Bond?

and we have some interesting thoughts on it.

No Time to Die Lashana Lynch Nomi

No Time to Die introduced us to a new agent/James Bond’s replacement, Nomi. She was taking care of things while he was in retirement.

No Time To Die Daniel Craig

We meet Nomi as 007, but towards the end, she asks that James be reinstated as 007. When he asks her why she replies with

“it’s just a number,”

and in the end, he dies.

Now with him gone, these are some of the things we are thinking. 

Thought #1: The production compny is moving on from James Bond and the 007

007, James Bond has been around for over half a century and have exhausted every storyline. Maybe this time around, they are thinking of moving on from it without destroying its legacy.

moneypenny, nomi and Q

No Time to Die spent a good time trying to make us get used to the idea of Nomi working as an MI6 secret agent who takes orders from M, gets her gadgets from Q and briefs from MoneyPenny.

No Time to Die also did James Bond the honours of retiring the number 007. We think that Nomi telling James,

“it’s just a number,”

was the producers telling us too.

They are preparing us for a world without James Bond. A world where the next DOUBLE-O would not end with a SEVEN. A world where the DOUBLE-O is a woman called Nomi.

Sure the series would still be heavily influenced by the work of Ian Flemming, it would just not be about 007: James Bond anymore. 

Thought #2: They continue with business as usual

New James Bond

This is the most likely route to go because it has been a success for decades. They would just get a new guy to be James Bond, but his movies would be set in a prequel world: before James Bond died.

Can No Time to Die Break the Final James Bond Movie Curse? - Den of Geek

They could also explain his death away as him changing his mind before the missiles hit and he jumped into the ocean. Then maybe by some stroke of luck, the ocean cleansed the Heracles from his system.

Another could be that he was saved and was kept faraway facility by M, while trying to find a cure. 

Thought #3: They create an MI6 universe where both James Bond and Nomi exist

Bond and Nomi, No time to die future of James Bond

This is another way they could go. James works on some missions, Nomi does too and sometimes they bump into each other and work together. 

Similar to what he and Felix had.

Parting Question:

  1. What are your thoughts on the future of James Bond?

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