Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin 2021 was Boring

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Ever watched a horror movie, waiting for it to scare you but instead, it has you looking like this:

Yep, that was what Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin 2021 was to us. For those of you who watched it and were horrified by it,

Lucky you. We wish we could be you. For those of us who didn’t here are all the ways, we found Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin boring.

Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin 2021

Nothing happens until the very end of the movie.

A lot of time is spent building up to the horrific end.

Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin 2021

We meet Margot a documentary filmmaker who just discovered her biological family.

Together with her friends Chris and Dale, they decide to go spend some time with them (her biological family) in some Amish community.

Her goal was to learn more about her mother, Sara.

While they’re there, Margot notices several strange things about them such as they shop at malls, sacrifice goats and have been watching her the whole time.

On her last night, something happens to her and she starts acting funny. She stares into nothing and says nothing.

Asomedus Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin

So Chris and Dale go out into the city to get a battery for their car.

While shopping they discover that Margot’s bio-family are devil worshippers.

They plan on transferring the demon, Asmodeus, into Margot’s body.

They split up, Dale goes to fix the car while Chris goes to save Margot.

It is at this point the movie becomes very interesting.

That they were trying to establish that there was something strange about Margot’s family but there wasn’t enough done to scare us.

This could have been because they used the “found footage” concept which doesn’t give enough room for “heightened fear.”

But then, that is not even a good enough excuse because in the end, we see Asomedus in action and it was badass.

Why didn’t they make the whole movie about Asomedus breaking free and wreaking havoc on the Amish village until he is defeated by Margot and her crew?

It would have made for a much scarier movie because we would be at the edge of our seats. We wouldn’t know what to expect.

But instead, they chose to make a movie that looked like a build-up to something bigger. While boring the heck out of all of us throughout its run.


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