I Watched Crazy Rich Asians for the First Time and I Now Believe in True Love

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It was a beautiful movie that showed me all the things I may never be able to afford while stylishly teaching me a valuable lesson.

I will say that the film was pretty meh for the most part, but it made up for it with the resolution. That scene where Nick’s mother and Rachel were playing Mahjong was

So what is this Crazy Rich Asians about?


Nick and his girlfriend, Rachel, are out dining in New York when some girl spots them and takes a pic. She shares it with her friends who share with their friends, and Rachel goes viral.

They start to look her up on social media, and word gets to Nick’s mother, who becomes curious. She calls her son, to find out if the rumors true and tries to dissuade him from bringing Rachel to Singapore.

Nick, however, is too drunk in love to figure out what his mom is trying to do, so he tells her that she will love Rachel.

Nick and Rachel arrive at the airport, and as soon as they appear, they are given preferential treatment. The air hostess takes them to the first-class lounge, and Rachel becomes very confused.

She asks him questions about his family, of which Nick tells her. However, he still manages to minimize the extent of his family’s fortune.

They arrive in Singapore and are welcomed by Araminta and Collin, the couple whose wedding they came for, and have a great time driving around the city and having dinner at a market.

The next day, Nick leaves for his grandma’s house while Rachel visits her friend, Peikin Lin. While having lunch with Peik Lin’s family, she mentions that her boyfriend is Nick Young, and they gasp, telling her that she needs to change her outfit.

Peik Lin gives her a makeover and also escorts her to the party where she meets his family. When Nick introduces Rachel to his mother, she is passive-aggressive and makes Rachel uncomfortable.

The next day she goes to Araminta’s hen party extravaganza and befriends a pretentious woman named oops,

So anyway, the lady later shows her true colors, and the other women join in to insult Rachel. Rachel runs to her room for solace but finds a murdered fish on her bed with the words “catch this, gold digger,” written in blood on her window.

Okay now, STOP. I need to address something.

Not everybody wants your money

And even if they do, they are just copying you anyway. After all, what do you call rich people marrying other rich people?

Yeah, that’s right: GOLD DIGGING!

Now back to the movie.

Nick’s favorite cousin, Astrid, finds out that her husband is cheating and tells Rachel about it while burying the fish together. Both women then sit down by the fishy grave, comforting each other.

Nick and Collin leave the ostentatious bachelor party that guy from the show Silicon valley threw for Collin. They take the helicopter and fly to an island to chill and discuss their future.

Nick shows Collin the ring he got for Rachel, and Collin reminds him that it won’t be an easy road for him. Collin says that Nick’s grandma will not allow him to live far away because he is the family heir and has to be around to run the family business. Nick optimistically says that he and Rachel will figure it out together.


Rachel and Nick meet up, and she tells him about the horrible time she had. He apologizes with multiple kisses but says that they have to go for dumplings.

Dumplings, which happen at Ah Ma’s house, involve every member of the family. They make the dumplings by themselves and eat them afterward.

Rachel, still trying to please Nick’s mother, compliments her ring. Mama Nick does her usual rant about sacrifice. She also reveals that she had to work very hard to get Ah Ma’s approval, and then Astrid throws some major shade at mama Nick.

Nick’s grandma arrives at the dinner table and asks who made the dumpling she is looking at. Nick’s mother claims ownership, and grandma says, “they are not nice, you’ve lost your touch.”

Since her mother-in-law just dumped some vitriol on her, mama Nick does what every abused person would do: abuse other people. She walks up to Rachel says that she will never accept Rachel.

Her words cut deep into Rachel, and she is depressed for the remainder of the meal. Clueless Nick sees that she is sad and tells her that his mother will come around.

Rachel meets up with Peik Lin, and Peik Lin suggests that she stuns at the wedding. They enlist the help of one of Nick’s cousins – his gay cousin, and they dress Rachel up to stun at the wedding.

She arrives at the wedding venue, and Rachel is complimented by everyone, including one of mama Nick’s friends but

Nick’s mother is not one to be swayed by a pretty dress, so she tells Rachel, 

So Rachel uses her wit and manages to make the Princess share her bench with her. The Princess initially had no intentions of sitting with anybody.

During the wedding, there was this weird and very forced emotional thing they were trying to do while the bride was walking down the water.

Yes, you read right – not aisle, water.

You see, my girl Araminta decided to be that annoying rich person that does shit like this

And you want to know why? Because she is crazy rich 

The couple say their vows, and they have a wedding reception where Nick is very touchy-feely and kissing Rachel every 2 seconds until mama Nick stepped in with a 

She exposes Rachel’s family secret, and Rachel runs away to stay with Peik Lin.

Nick calls, but she ignores his calls. Her mom comes all the way from America to console her, and then, she meets with mama Nick to play a game of Mahjong.

While playing, there is this moment where Rachel holds a winning piece but hesitates to use it and mama Nick, in all her infinite wisdom,

says that it is foolish to give up a winning hand and Rachel was like, it is possible for two people to win. Then she gives a long speech while shuffling her pieces about how she turned down Nick’s marriage proposal. 

She also says that mama Nick should never forget when she is old and grey that she (Rachel) made it possible for her to have the type of daughter-in-law she wanted. 

She drops the winning piece and mama Nick picks it up and shows all her pieces  like “booyah, I won.” But Rachel shows that she won as well, making mama Nick get the full grasp of the speech.

Oh, I forgot about Astrid and her idiotic huzzbend. On their way to the wedding, she says that she is aware he is cheating and he is like, “even my cheating doesn’t matter to you. You don’t care about me.”

Say what?

Are you insane? Or you are about to catch insanity?

Well, in the end, Astrid dumps his ass and left him in his broke ass crib to go live in her mansions. She’s ballin’ like that. 

Nick’s mother goes to meet her son and gives him her blessing. He runs to the airport, enters the plane, and talks for hours on end before popping the question, “will you marry me?” As Rachel is about to say something, Nick opens the box to reveal his mother’s ring inside, and she says “yes.” 

Did I like the movie?

It wasn’t the funniest, but it had the best resolution. 

Have you watched Crazy Rich Asians? What did you think about it?

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