Answering Your Search Queries – I Want to Read the Story of the Movie Idemili

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So I have been getting this request for like three months now, and I’ve been ignoring it because it has been five years since I last saw Idemili.

However, since y’all won’t stop asking, here are the bits I still remember from the movie. 

Idemili Plot

The Past

A young Ekemma’s mother dies, and she is told that she would have to take her mother’s place as the priestess of Idemili.

She refuses at first because she is in love with her boyfriend, Okwadike, who is equally upset. 

They were unhappy because, as the priestess of Idemili, she will not be allowed to get married. 

She will only be permitted to have a child of whom is most likely going to be a daughter with any man of her choice.

On the day of her initiation, Okwadike disrupts the process with some other young men who are killed by an enchanted Ekemma.

Okwadike also reveals that Ekemma is pregnant and that he cannot allow his child to be part of the diety, Idemili. 

He then goes further to expose fact the priest conducting the initiation, is Ekemma‘s father which leads to him (Ekemma‘s father) murdering Okwadike.

Ekemma regains consciousness and runs away when she realizes that Okwadike is dead. Plus that fact that the priest was her father and she had no idea. 

The Present

Ekemma Mma” and the Prince, on their wedding day, are taken to a bedroom to consummate their marriage.

Before the were to have sex, the chief priestess, Ijele had to fortify the room and stay by the door to ward off any evil.

As the couple was about to have sex, the Prince requested that Mma remove her waist bead of which she did and they began to make out. 

However, Mma is immediately possessed by a spirit and she is levitated above the bed, causing the prince to scream.

Ijele and the Queen enter into the room to find Mma floating in the air prompting Ijele to consult the oracle. 

The king, on the other hand, was downstairs with the council of elders waiting for the proof of Mma’s virginity.

After getting information from the gods, Ijele familiarized them with Mma’s background. 

She told them that Mma was a scared child, dedicated to the goddess Idemili but that is all she knew.

She also advised that Mma should go back to her village to find out more about herself. 

Ijele then pleads with the gods to restore Mma, of which they did but the prince rejects Mma. 

Armed with the new information, Mma embarked on a journey to find out about her background. In her quest, she is joined by her childhood friend, Kamsi.

Later on, the King is possessed by an evil spirit that keeps him in a vegetative state. 

Ijele is warned by the queen not to say anything about it because she too is aware of Ijele’s secret.

While Mma, is on a mission, another dibia – a very powerful and evil dibia – Agwoturumbe, tells the queen to also follow Mma as she has a certain power that they need. 

So the Prince and Agwoturumbe try to trace Mma.  

Throughout the whole farce, we find out that Ijele’s son, Ojiofor, was a product of her affair with the King. 

The Prince was a product of the Queen’s affair with Agwoturumbe and that Mma was the great-granddaughter of the initial Ekemma. 

We also find out that the people that were part of the first Ekemma’s initiation hadn’t died. They had been preserved by the gods to initiate this Mma as the priestess of Idemili. 

While Mma accepts her fate as the priestess of Idemili, and agrees to go through with the initiation, Kamsi had inquired how to prevent it and was told it had something to do with “love” of which he sacrifices himself.

The goddess Idemili, impressed by his actions decides to set both of them free and they get marriedHowever, after their first child is born – a girl, a man comes to visit them and says he came to welcome his priestess i.e. their daughter. 

That is all I remember from it. If you want me to watch it again and tell about it frame by frame – you’re gonna have to pay me. 

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