Hire a Woman – So He Did Not Fall In Love with Who We Thought He Would

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Hire A Woman is the sequel to the 2017 film – Hire A Man and no, he did not fall in love with the woman.

In case you have neither watched nor read the review on the prequel – Hire A Man – click here (https://www.nollywoodreinvented.com/2017/11/hire-a-man.html) for Nollywood ReInvented review on it.


The Plot

2 responses to “Hire a Woman – So He Did Not Fall In Love with Who We Thought He Would”

  1. JennyB tindi Avatar
    JennyB tindi

    Yes I agree 100%

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Tony S Avatar
    Tony S

    The movie had extremely poor sound engineering. The audio levels were so bad that at times it would distort and then could hardly hear at other times. How a movie with such a decent story and acting can be produced with such poor audio quality is mind numbing.
    You really may want to study the US or most western movie productions for great audio and/or videography.
    I am not questioning your talent, but just sounding off my honest criticism in extremely good faith. Do not waste your talent and passion by contributing to sub-standard productions.
    All the best..

    Liked by 1 person

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