Living With A Ghost

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My verdict: 3.5 out of 5

2015 | Ghost story – Romance | 2 parts | 140minutes 18secs | Watch here

For me the end of a movie most times determines what my verdict would be and this movie’s ending just left a sour taste in my mouth. Why spoil it with Christianity, why does everything have to end with a Jesus-style exorcism? That just ruined it.

The synopsis read:

A newly married couple who are blissfully in love are caught in a collision of three dimensions where their past present and future are inextricably linked, however the heartbreaking truth behind their bond is exposed to devastating effect.

The dimensions as described in the movie were normal, abnormal and paranormal dimensions. I loved this movie up until the pastor showed up and I was like Reginald why? Why ruin this amazing movie with a pastor. Why not give the ghost a proper send off like him weaning her off him or something. Why did a pastor have to expel him? Damn!

So the story is about a ghost Maxwell (Mike Ezuruonye) who died in a plane crash and on the day of his funeral meets a woman named Anabel (Oge Okoye) and her friend Mary (Kehinde Olorunyomi). He and Anabel both fall in love quicker and faster than lightning, get married, have a daughter, live happily ever after (or so they thought) up until Anabel reconnects with an old school friend, Oluchi (Uche Ogbodo). The movie was done in a non-linear narrative structure with the end and beginning both occurring in act one. Also the movie was a Pandora’s box of flashbacks.

Now this movie was well written for the most part. The conversations were very deep, not superficial. They conversed like intellectuals especially with that character that was Maxwell. As a ghost, he was all knowing with a charming personality. He had just enough explanations for everything and was a delightful enigma. Another thing I loved about it was the ease with which sex was talked about; they weren’t vulgar, they were just right. However, I would say Oge Okoye seemed quite uncomfortable talking about sex on a conversational basis. Notwithstanding, I would applaud her acting, her fear of him when she realised he was a ghost as well as her brief moments of insanity were well acted. Also, Mike was good in this movie. He was suave and for the first time in a while his usual shakara mannerisms actually fit the role he was playing, so that was good too.

A shout out to Pope Stan Ndu, where does your brain wander off to whilst you are acting? Or is it that you dey try to fix ya phoné because I could barely understand a word you said and even your acting was hanging by a thread. Also the sound of this movie was not it at all. There was a persistent echo like as if they re-recorded their dialogues in an empty room.


Mike Ezuruonye as Maxwell

Oge Okoye as Anabel

Kehinde Olorunyomi as Mary

Pope Stan Ndu as Philip

Uche Ogbodo as Oluchi

Directed by

Reginald Ebere

Written by

Reginald Ebere

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